Resonantia Lux projection mapping | Polish Presidency of the Council of the EU & Bright Festival | Brussels, Belgium
Space Debris AR installation | The Old Future Is Gone | Municipal Art Centre of Paphos, Cyprus
COSMOSONIC. AV modular installation with Augmented Reality | Fotonica 2023 | Rome, Italy
Moonaris av installation | Patchlab Festival SPACE/S | Krakow, Poland
Moonaris av installation | Heritage Days @Embassy of Poland in Paris | Monaco Palace
Moonaris av installation (premiere) | Athens Digital Art Festival | Athens, Greece
COSMOSONIC. AV modular installation with Augmented Reality | FIAV Festival | Marocco
COSMOSONIC. AV modular installation with Augmented Reality | Music.Design.Form, Philharmonic in Szczecin, Poland
Lichtzeit-Labor | Kunsthalle Faust | Hannover, Germany
Athens Digital Art Festival 2022 FUTURETRO | Athens, Greece
Fotonica Audio Visual Digital Art Festival 2021 | City Lab 971 | Rome, Italy (upcoming)
Athens Digital Art Festival 2021 TACTUS | Athens, Greece
ARCHEtypus Utopien sozialer Architektur | Kunsthalle Faust | Hannover, Germany
Arché. Architecture of Universe / Biennale Architettura 2021 | Giudecca Art District, Pavilion 0/3, Venice, Italy
OMOSIROI Knowledge Capital Award | Osaka, Japan
White Hole, light installation | Rynek Podgórski, Kraków
Waves_VR, interactive VR installation
Scholarship of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage in Poland
Waves 2.0, immersive 360° interactive installation
Creative Scholarship of the City of Krakow | 360° Gallery (Hevre+1), Kraków, Poland
Carbonactive, interactive installation | Biennale Industrii 2019, Muzeum Śląskie, Katowice
Waves, interactive installation | AtFest. Art & Technology Festival. Castro, Italy
Exquisitus speculum, interactive augmented painting | Fotonica at MACRO Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Roma, Italy
Routes, audioreactive installation | Wacław Szpakowski. Rhythmical Lines. Hybridart Space, Budapest, Hungary
City Projection Intervensions | Smart People’s Sculpture | ISEA 2018, Durban, South Africa
White Hole, installation object | Garden – Visible/Invisible, Center of Polish Sculpture in Orońsko, Poland
REC: Random Eye Check | Tehran Annual Digital Art Exhibition, Tehran, Iran
White Hole, installation object | Eko – Techno – Artmobil exibition w/ Intermedia Dept. of Fine Arts Academy, Krakow, Poland
Dark Matter, interactive light installation | 6th Patchlab Digital Art Festival, Conrad Festival 2017, Krakow, Poland
Ars Excerpendi. Semiosis. Urban memory installation | European Capital of Culture Pafos 2017, Cyprus
Waves, interactive installation | 5th International Pure Data Convention PdCon16~ New York University, New York, US
Waves, interactive installation | Tehran Annual Digital Art Exhibition, Tehran, Iran
REC : Random Eye Check | Oddstream, Light and Tech Art, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Waves, interactive installation inpired by Panoramic Sea Happening of Tadeusz Kantor | Platan Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
REC : Random Eye Check | 16th Media Art Biennale WRO 2015, Wrocław, Poland
REC : Random Eye Check | Kunsthalle Lab, Bratislava, Slovakia
Re-Kreacja | Contemporary Art Gallery Bunkier Sztuki, Krakow, Poland
Freeze Frames / Expo of Twente Biënnale 2013 | TETEM kunstruimte, Utrecht, Netherlands
NZ/X presentation | Brick House Gallery, Yokohama, Japan
Living Room – audioreactive mapping installation | ArtMuse, Bocholt, Germany
Exquisitus Speculum, an interactive augmented painting | Fotonica at MACRO Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Roma, Italy
Waves, interactive installation inpired by Panoramic Sea Happening of Tadeusz Kantor / Platan Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
Video Wall 24K resolution with real time rendered content, permanent installation / Europa -Far East Gallery / Krakow, Poland
REC [Random Eye Check], interactive installation /Kunsthalle Lab, Bratislava, Slovakia / Media Art Biennale WRO 2015
Light sculpture Sacrum Profanum 2014 Festival / Krakow, Poland
Re-Kreacja, interactive mapping installation / Contemporary Art Gallery Bunkier Sztuki, Krakow, Poland
Barbarum Fretum, interactive installation / Blekinge Museum, Sweden
Audioreactive stage installation for Rykarda Parasol concert / Alchemia Klub, Poland
Living Room, audioreactive mapping installation / ArtMuse, Bocholt, Germany
Shadows, interactive installation based on VSS decoding / LPM 2010, Rome
Vintage Cover Art, video installation / Muzyka i Świat Festiwal 2009
The Great Synagogue Restores Memory / Bankowy square, Warsaw, Poland
City Projection Intervensions / Smart People’s Sculpture, ISEA 2018, Durban, South Africa
Johannes Passion – scenography mapping for concert of Music Academy in Poznań / Bazylika Archikatedralna, Poznan / Bazylika Prymasowa, Gniezno, Poland
Re-Kreacja – interactive mapping installation / Contemporary Art Gallery Bunkier Sztuki, Krakow, Poland
Sala Borsa fasade mapping / Robot Festival 2013, Bologna, Italy
Visio OPERAndi. Opera w Nowej Przestrzeni / Collegium Maius, Krakow, Poland
Konstrukcja 8.9 – video mapping installation / Narracje Festival 2011, Gdansk, Poland
Living Room – audioreactive mapping installation / ArtMuse, Bocholt, Germany
360◦ caravan mapping / Freemote Festival 2011, Utrecht, Netherlands
H12, interactive mapping installation / 14 Media Art Biennale WRO 2011, Wroclaw, Poland
Stary Testament – Reanimacja, reż. Agata Duda-Gracz
Teatr w Krakowie im. Juliusza Słowackiego, Kraków, Poland
/ stage projections /
Kartoteka, reż. Marcin Kalisz
Teatr Ludowy, Kraków, Poland
/ scenography, stage design /
Europa Train Score, reż. Czet Minkus
Krakow Film Music Festival | MOS, Krakow, Poland
/ visuals content realization, multimedia programming/
Dreams Music’13, multimedia opera, reż. Czet Minkus
MOS, Krakow, Poland
/programming technologies, designing touchscreen, mapping and live visuals /
Visio OPERAndi, reż. Wojciech Graniczewski
Collegium Maius | Krakow, Poland
/directors of multimedia, mapping and visuals content realization/
Dwoje na huśtawce, reż. Marcin Kalisz
Teatr Ludowy, Kraków, Poland
/ scenography projections /
Factory and Garden
Bakelit Multi Art Center, Budapest, Hungary
/scenography projections and mapping/
Dwanaście Stacji, reż. Eva Rysova
Teatr Stary, Krakow, Poland
/ video realization and live projection /
FILM | promo clips | short film forms
‘Zawirowanie w portalu’ 3D animation for Virtual Museums Małopolska (2021)
Radio Kraków 90th years anniversary clip (2017)
Radio Kraków promo clip (2017)
‘Already there’ music video for ep produced by lee norris & dimitar dodovski || kaico records (2013)
‘NZ/X’ music video awarded in the ‘CHOPing’ competition of Warsaw Electronic Festival and Polish National Art Gallery Zacheta (2010)
‘Missed Train’ (2007) short movie : winner of the Krakow Short Film Forms
teaser of Muzyka i Świat Festival
teaser of Jewish Culture Festival
The documentary of 21st Jewish Culture Festival in Krakow, Poland (2011)
The documentary of 20th Jewish Culture Festival in Krakow, Poland (2010)
The documentary of 19. Jewish Culture Festival in Krakow, Poland (2009)
AV live acts
Underconstructions AV performance / Live Cinema Festival, Rome, Italy
Dissolving Localities, AV performance / 23.FKŻ | ART , Krakow, Poland
Underconstructions B-Seite 2012 / Germany & LPM 2012, Rome
White Pill, AV + dance performance with Bernadett Jobbágy / Vízraktér, Budapest
‘NZ/X’ music video awarded in the \”CHOPing\” project organized by Warsaw Electronic Festival together with Zacheta, the Polish National Art Gallery
[URBAN.LAB]: Vienna Budapest Krakow (2009) – multiprojection / Salon-projektionist (VJ-art gallery), Vienna, Austria
Urbanism, av performance / Visualberlin 2010 / CHB, Berlin, Germany
Free Form Festival 2009 / a/v live-act Elektro Moon Vision feat. LazyLab / Warsaw, Poland
Kollaps, av live-act for 60th anniversary of the beginning of the II World War / Tarnow, Poland
LIVE VISUALS / VJ (selected)
>> so far we performed live visuals for Ben Klock (DE), Agoria (FR), DJ Surgeon (DE), Pendulum (AUS), Tricky (UK), Goldie (UK), DJ Krust (UK) and many many more
AUKSO @NOSPR, Katowice, Poland
Unsound Presence 2018@Hotel Forum, ICE
auksodrone 2018@Mediateka, Tychy
‘Lullabies’ concert with Chorea Theatre Choir and Natalia Przybysz @ Music Theatre, Lódź, Poland
Perspective Festival, female:pressure @Berlin, Germany
Plateaux Festival @Warsaw, Poland
Robot Festival 2012 @Bologna, Italy
Stary Dworzec Katovvice @Katowice
Agoria (FR) @Fabryka Klub
Surgeon & Marcel Heese, Ben Klock @Fabryka Klub
Pendulum @Fabryka Klub
Trilogy @Fabryka Klub
Selector Festival 2010@Krakow
Free Form Festival 2009 @Warsaw
Patchlab Digital Art Festival (since 2012)
360° Gallery | Hevre +1, Krakow, Poland
Share Infinity Oslo | Dept. of Informatics Universty of Oslo, Norway (Nov 2016)
Share:Krakow (since 2010)
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